Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Density: It ’ s not just for physics anymore...

Density in the classroom is an ongoing struggle. The most efficient classroom layout for density might be rows of chairs without tablet arms or tables, but this isn’t conducive for learning and prohibits interaction. On the other hand, most active learning solutions require an average of 25 or more square feet per student and many schools may not have the luxury of being able to dedicate that amount of classroom space to support an active learning pedagogy. This is where node comes in. node can handle the density challenge as well as any seating solution with an average of about 17 square feet per student. In addition, node provides the added advantages of comfort, flexibility and mobility that allow it to support active learning. node is unique in that it not only redefines classroom seating but continues to outperform the competition. Let’s take a look at one way node does this by comparing its footprint against the Learn2 chair from KI.

The node chair keeps its footprint small
while still providing a non-handed

worksurface, personal storage and a seat

that swivels 360 degrees. It does this by

providing a worksurface wide enough to

support both left and right handed users

without requiring the support arm to swivel

all the way around the chair. This

maximizes utility to the student while

keeping the footprint in check.
node square footage = 7.3

Based on preliminary dimensions
provided by KI, you can see the
change in overall footprint. The
support arm on Learn2 swivels 220
degrees around the chair, which
has to be accounted for when
doing classroom planning. The
result is a footprint more than twice
the size of node and which does
not provide as much personal
storage space or 360 degrees of
swivel in the seat.

Learn2 square footage = 15.8

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